Jon Weaver
Creative Director
Professional Background
After graduating from Kutztown University in 1998 with a BFA, specializing in ‘Communication Design’ aka Graphic Design, Jon has been working professionally as a designer, or creative director, ever since. Jon worked for several different design firms until he and his wife moved to Colorado in 2008 and he decided to become a freelance designer. Two years and two beautiful kids later, Jon and his wife moved back to Maryland where he began working for Orases as a creative director.
Personal Interests
- Becoming a jack of all trades but master of none
- Biking
- Fly fishing
- Golfing
- Hiking
Causes He Is Passionate About
Aside from his wife and kids, who are his #1 passion, Jon is passionate about how we treat each other on this planet. He is also passionate about finding an end to senseless violence, hatred, and narrow minded views.
Ideal Superpower
The ability to speak any language